Sections overview:
1 – Policy Statement
Key Principles
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Safer Recruitment and selection
- Recognising and Responding to Concerns
- Confidentiality and Information Sharing
- Awareness and Review
2 – Statutory Guidance and Regulations
Legal responsibilities
3 – Children and Young People
4 – Elderly, Impaired, Disabled and Vulnerable students
Reasonable Adjustments
5 – Mental Health
Mental Health First Aid
6 – Online Learning and Digital Communications
Guidance on Procedures and Communication
7 – Prevent Duty: Behaviour Management
Legal duty for reporting concerns
8 – Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) responsibilities
9 – Head of Stream and Branch Leaders Responsibilities
10 – Tutor Responsibilities
11 – Reporting Procedures and Record Keeping
12 – Policy Review
13 – Supporting policies and documents
14 – Appendices
- Permission and Admission form for Children and Young People
- Guidelines for Parents, Carers and Students
- Guidelines and Code of Conduct Concerning Student Behaviour
- Designated Lead Safeguarding Role
- Retreat Information and Personal Information Form
- Health and Safety Procedures
- Guidelines for Tutors working with Children Online
- Safeguarding Report Form
Policy Statement
The Safeguarding Policy outlines the commitment of the School of Philosophy and Economic Science (the School). The policy applies to Executive Committee members, students, staff and contractors associated with the School.
The School is committed to maintaining a safe, secure and respectful environment for all individuals involved in its activities. The School aims to protect the well-being of children, young people and vulnerable adults and to ensure that their rights, dignity, and privacy are always respected.
The School is respectful and non-discriminatory; is sensitive to the needs of individuals and is inclusive of all people for whom the teaching is appropriate. Accountability and review are the responsibility of the Executive Committee.
Our Key Principles:
a) Prevention: Taking steps to prevent harm to individuals, particularly children, young people and vulnerable adults, through robust safeguarding procedures.
- b) Empowerment: Providing individuals with the knowledge and understanding necessary to safeguard themselves and report any concerns they may have. The School ensures that teachings and practices empower all students to make informed decisions.
- c) Responsibility: Everyone understands their responsibilities in ensuring a safe organisation.
Roles and Responsibilities:
- The Executive Committee: The Executive Committee has overall responsibility for safeguarding within the School.
- Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): the DSL is responsible for co-ordinating and overseeing safeguarding practices. The role includes ensuring appropriate training where necessary, maintaining records, and acting as a point of contact for concerns or disclosures.
- Branch Leaders, Tutors, Students, Staff: all have a responsibility to familiarise themselves with the Safeguarding Policy and act in accordance with it. Concerns or disclosures should be reported to DSL, Head of Stream and Branch Leaders.
Safer Recruitment and selection
- The School will ensure that tutors working directly with children, in person and online, have obtained enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service clearance and safeguarding training.
- Tutors will adhere to safeguarding procedures, and will operate within the guidance and direction of the policy.
Recognising and Responding to Concerns:
- All concerns and disclosures regarding the welfare or safety of individuals associated with the School will be taken seriously and responded to promptly, consistently and proportionately.
- Concerns should be reported to the DSL, Head of Stream and Branch Leaders.
Confidentiality and Information Sharing
- The School will respect confidentiality in line with legal obligations. Information will only be shared on a need-to-know basis. Personal data is stored and managed in a safe way that is compliant with data protection regulations.
- Confidential, detailed and accurate records of all safeguarding concerns are maintained, signed, dated, and securely stored in line with GDPR on the School’s secure database.
- Issues are properly investigated and dealt with quickly, fairly and sensitively, and any necessary reporting to statutory authorities is undertaken.
- Information sharing should be carried out promptly and responsibly, with appropriate consent obtained, unless there are safeguarding concerns that require immediate action.
Awareness and Review
- Tutors will operate confidently and competently, being fully aware of the boundaries of their roles.
- Safeguarding Policy is reviewed on a yearly cycle, or at an earlier date in response to further statutory guidance, the result of monitoring performance or work with statutory agencies and partners.
Statutory Guidance and Regulations
The School will ensure that Executive Committee members, tutors and staff are suitable to act in their roles, through carrying out relevant checks, and references, and carrying out Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) where necessary, managed and maintained by the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA).
Children and Young People
Children under the age of 16 years should only attend the School in person with a parent/guardian and with permission from Stream Leader/Branch Leader. Young people aged 16 and 17 years may attend with the permission of their parent/guardian and with permission from Stream Leader/Branch Leader. Any tutor of a young person under the age of 18 years should hold a DBS certificate. Online attendance by a child may only be undertaken with the permission of a parent/guardian.
Photography or images of children may be shared by the School, providing explicit permission is granted by parent/guardian, and is in the best interests of the child. No images should identify the child’s location or provide any means of making contact.
Appendix 1 Permission form for Children and Young People
Appendix 2 Guidelines for Parents, Carers and Students
Elderly, Impaired, Disabled and Vulnerable Students
Impaired, Disabled and Vulnerable:
The School will endeavour to make reasonable adjustments when information about an impairment is made known.
Mental Health
Tutors and other students of the School are not in the position of undertaking a diagnosis of a medical need; where there is concern about a student’s well-being, the School’s approach is to follow Mental Health First Aid Guidance which is:
- Approach the person, assess and assist with any crisis
- Listen and communicate non-judgementally
- Encourage the person to get appropriate professional help
Online Learning and Digital Communications
The School will ensure that it complies with GDPR legislation and follows safe online procedures.
Prevent Duty: Behaviour Management
The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, advises organisations to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism and build resilience to radicalisation by promoting fundamental British values and enabling them to challenge extremist views. Prevent duty is not intended to stop discussion on controversial issues.
As with managing other safeguarding risks, tutors should be alert to changes in behaviour that could indicate a need for help or protection, and act proportionately.
Any form of disruptive behaviour should be managed according the School’s Guidelines and Code of Conduct concerning student behaviour likely to be disruptive to other students.
Appendix 3 Guidelines and Code of Conduct concerning student behaviour likely to be disruptive to other students
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL)
The Designated Safeguarding Lead acts as a source of support, advice and expertise for safeguarding in the School, keeping up to date on safeguarding legislation, regulations, statutory guidance, and the safeguarding expectations of the Charities Commission.
DSL will be alert to any safeguarding issues on a regular basis, this includes:
- with the Executive Committee, maintain a culture of respect, in which everyone feels safe and able to speak up;
- undertake an annual review of safety, with recommendations to the Committee;
- ensure that safeguarding requirements and responsibilities are reflected in job descriptions for employees, and in advice and instruction to all volunteers;
- ensure that personal data is stored and managed in a safe way that is compliant with GDPR, including valid consent to use any imagery;
- respond to any concerns sensitively, acting quickly to address them;
- ensure safeguarding risk assessments are carried out and appropriate action taken to minimise risk;
- check the School’s risk register reflects safeguarding risks properly and plans, sensible measures to take, including relevant insurance for trustees liability;
- learn from case reviews locally and nationally, to improve the School’s policies, procedures and practices;
- manage safeguarding concerns, allegations or incidents reported in liaison with the Principal.
Appendix 4 Designated Safeguarding Lead Role
Heads of Stream and Branch Leaders Responsibilities
Heads of Stream and Branch Leaders will have an overview of group allocation and distribution of material for use with groups; they will monitor the work of the groups and provide guidance as appropriate. Leaders will ensure that all tutors:
- are experienced in the work of the School, are clear about role boundaries and demonstrate the ability to work safely and competently;
- treat all students with respect and conduct themselves in a friendly, professional manner;
- it may be helpful to suggest to students in Part 1 to communicate specific needs so that they may be accommodated where possible;
- are advised on protecting themselves by avoiding being alone with a student, particularly in relation to students who are junior in the School, keeping doors open if doing so, and informing others that a conversation is underway;
- allegations or suspicions are recorded and communicated to the DSL as appropriate;
- are instructed to write down the facts only, as are known and give a copy to Head of Stream/Branch Leader/DSL;
- ensure that no one else is placed in a position that could allow an allegation to occur until an investigation has taken place;
- challenge all unacceptable behaviour.
Student emergency contact details will be made available to tutors in charge of groups, and only used with the specific permission of the adult student where it is possible for that permission to be granted.
Meditation Checks:
Tutors undertaking individual meditation checks with students will:
1. Ensure that the student is comfortable being in a one-to-one situation with the tutor
2. Give the student a choice on the gender of tutor available to them
3. Take place in a School area where other students and tutors are nearby
4. Have a current DBS if engaging with child (under 18 years).
Appendix 5 Risk Assessment, Retreat Information and Personal Information Form
Appendix 6 Health and Safety Requirements
Tutor Responsibilities
Tutors maintain professional standards at all times, establishing an environment in which students feel secure, are encouraged to talk, are listened to and respected; tutors will adhere to the following:
- Be clear about the boundaries of the role, undertaking the role safely and effectively;
- May provide guidance and support within the remit of the role, and where appropriate, may direct a student to other organisations to receive appropriate advice and support;
- Discussions with and amongst students take place at group meetings;
- Meetings with individual students take place as openly as possible. If privacy is needed, it is recommended that a door be left partly open, particularly in relation to students who are junior in the School, and other adults informed of the meeting and its location. Individual meetings outside of School should be avoided;
- Physical contact should be avoided; a student may misunderstand or have had previous experiences that may cause misunderstanding or distress. Actions may be interpreted negatively, however well-intentioned;
- Ground rules established for each group that includes expectations for student behaviour, interaction and use of non-discriminatory language. Any concerns about student behaviour should be discussed with the Steam Lead/Branch Leader who may challenge all unacceptable behaviour;
- Where first aid is necessary, another adult should assist.
Communications between Tutors and students outside group sessions are:
- made for the purpose of supporting the student’s attendance at and participation within the School and for making the teaching available to students;
- private communications with individual students respect the nature of the tutor-student relationship; if a personal matter is raised by a student the response must be maintained in the context of this relationship and must not become personal;
- communication to groups of students are controlled by the tutor or delegated to the assistant tutor conversant with these principles; copying in the tutor;
- control of communication is not delegated to students in the group;
- individuals student’s personal data including contact details, and other data held, are not published or made available to any persons within or outside the School, including tutors, without the consent of student;
- students are entitled to copies of personal data held on them by the School;
- database is updated routinely and data of students who no longer attending is removed;
- email communications, telephone conversations, text messages and WhatsApp conversations may take place between adult students and tutors who have given permission for these communications to take place;
- where tutors set up WhatsApp groups, they must be a part of the groups to monitor content, if an inappropriate message is sent, the tutor will address this individually.
Appendix 7 Guidelines for Tutors working with Children on line.
Reporting Procedures and Record Keeping
Concerns should be handled sensitively; make verbatim records of what is said, date, sign and store securely, ensuring data protection compliance.
- Take immediate steps to ensure safety and well-being for the individual, preserve any evidence, date and sign.
- Report to Stream Lead/Branch Leader, who will liaise with DSL who may collaborate with relevant agencies, such as law enforcement or child protection services, co-operating fully with any subsequent investigations.
- Stream Lead/Branch Leader /DSL should collaborate on creating a timeframe, communicating with the person making an allegation; making the necessary enquiries into the allegations, liaising where appropriate with other authorities, including the Charity Commission where necessary.
- Response will be made from a senior member of the School, in liaison with Stream Lead/Branch Leader/DSL to the allegations, to confirm, or dismiss allegation, and stating any action to be taken, including any disciplinary action or procedural change. The individual will be informed of any further action they may take.
- All papers related to the allegation to be filed securely.
- A full review should take place, identifying any procedural/organisational changes required on policy implementation and improvements.
Appendix 8 Safeguarding Report Form template.
Policy Review
Designated Safeguarding Lead Contact details:
Name: Elizabeth Mazzola email:
The Policy and Guidelines for the Safeguarding of Children and Young People, and Vulnerable Adults was put into place on 26th February 2025.
This Safeguarding Policy is reviewed on a yearly basis as required by the Local Safeguarding Board, UK, or at an earlier date in response to further statutory guidance, the result of monitoring performance or work with statutory agencies and partners, external reviews.
| Forenames: |
Male/ Female
Date of Birth:
School/ college attended:
| |
Full name(s) of parents/ guardians/foster parents: (Please indicate relationship to child/young person)
| |
Postcode: Home tel. No. |
Mobile number(s):
Email address:
Name and address of other person who would take charge of child/young person in an emergency until parent/guardian is reached:
Telephone No:
| |
Any information related to child/young person’s home or other circumstances which should be known by the School:
I/we give permission for the above named child/young person to attend philosophy classes at the School on line
Parent/Guardian Signature(s)____________________ Date _____________________
Guidelines for Parents, Carers and Students
Parents/carers and students are should be aware that for the duration of the online session, the space in their home where the session takes places is public and will be audible and visible to others via their camera.
Parental Permission: Children attend School on-line only, with the permission of parent/guardian, who agree to the following code of conduct:
- their child’s name is correctly entered in the Zoom profile before joining the session;
- their child keeps their video camera switched on throughout the session;
- they should be nearby when the session takes place, but are not expected to directly take part in the session;
- they announce their presence to the tutor at the start of the session; (if a parent/guardian is not present at the start of the session, then the session will be terminated by the tutor; the pupil may then re-join once an adult is present).
- parents/carers should be nearby when the session takes place, but are not expected to directly take part in the session.
- Students should be dressed appropriately for a session, wearing clothes suitable for being seen in public.
- children other than those on the session register are not allowed to be participate in the sessions;
- students should be located in a shared family space and not in a student’s bedroom;
- dress-code and language used during a session should be appropriate as for a formal learning environment, including any family members that may pass in the background;
- their child does not to share session Zoom Room IDs and passcodes.
Parents and students may raise any concerns with regards to any aspect of the on-line sessions to the School’s DSL.
Communication outside of classes is undertaken through the parent/guardian.
Guidelines and Code of Conduct concerning student behaviour likely to be disruptive to other students
At the start of courses, tutors will inform all students on the School’s Code of Conduct and the social norms as they apply within the group.
Tutors have a duty of care to all students safety and for enabling access to teaching and learning within the group.
There are many types of disruptive behaviours, impulse control, conduct disorders and dissocial conditions. Tutors are not qualified to make diagnoses of students behaviours or conditions.
Where inappropriate behaviour occurs the following procedures should be followed:
- The student should be made aware that their behaviour breeches the School’s Code of Conduct, and the expectations of mutual respect.
- The student should be given the opportunity to manage their behaviour effectively within the group in accord with rules of conduct.
- The student may be invited to a meeting with a Stream Lead/Branch Leader and given the opportunity to provide information, with the help of a trusted adult/medical professional, on a specific condition.
- The School will consider making reasonable adjustments to meet the needs of the student, if these are appropriate.
- The School will return the term’s fees if reasonable adjustments are not feasible and disallow continuance on the course.
Conducting an interview with a student whose behaviour has been a cause for concern:
- Two people in addition to the student should be present, where possible one student should be the same gender as the student. During any interchange the tutor should not stand or sit close to the student or take a step toward the student. On no account should a tutor or assistant attempt to comfort or calm an agitated student by touching.
- A note of the time, date and place of any such conversation referred to above, who were present, any salient points and outcome should be recorded in writing. This written record should then be given to the Stream Lead/Branch Leader/DSL for further action where necessary.
Designated Lead Safeguarding will
Safeguarding requires full commitment from every person in the organisation. The DSL co-ordinates and oversees safeguarding procedures in liaison with Stream Lead/Branch Leader and The Executive Committee The DSL has responsibility for: 1. Listening to concerns, referring to a higher level where appropriate. 2. Having up to date knowledge on laws and guidance for safeguarding, the barriers to recognition and disclosure, and knowledge on safer recruitment. 3. Being a point of contact for advice and information sharing 4. Supporting the review of the evaluation of the application of this policy. The DLS operates within Statutory Guidance and Regulations:- The Children Act 1989: Allocates responsibilities of care to local authorities, courts, agencies, and families to keep children safe. The Act promotes the upbringing of children by their families and the concept of child-centred work whenever possible. The establishment of ‘children in need’ and ‘children at risk’ is also established within the Act
- The Children Act 2004: The Act amends the Children Act 1989 by including recommendations as the result of an inquiry, including making it a requirement that those who work with children must know how to safeguard them. Requires local authorities to use a multi0agency approach to assist in the protection of safeguarding The Education Act 2002: Outlines the responsibilities and duties for schools in regard to teachers, teaching methods, and curriculum. Every Child Matters 2004: Introduces the five key outcomes for all children in the UK, which must be reflected in all child protection policies.
- Keeping Children Safe in Education: Statutory Guidance for Schools and Colleges
- Working Together to Safeguard Children: A guide to inter-agency working to promote the welfare of children and safeguard them
Retreat Information and Personal Information Form
Courses and Residential Retreat Terms and Conditions of Attendance
Agreement to abide by the Terms and Conditions set out below is a requirement of attendance on Courses and Retreats held by the School.
School’s Code of Conduct
- We want our School to be a place of learning where everyone has a chance to flourish. Treating one another with the respect we would each expect is at the heart of this. All are welcome to sample what the School has to offer through the introductory retreats.
- All tutors continue to be students of philosophy in the School, and they give their time for free. The School of Philosophy and Economic Science aspires to create a safe and positive culture in which deep learning can happen. Our Safeguarding Policy is committed to supporting the well-being of all students and the School.
- The School is a registered educational charity, regulated by the Charity Commission in England and Wales and the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator in Scotland.
Respecting each other and ourselves
- Our culture is based on equality and fairness for all. This means we value each other’s differences and contributions and want everyone to feel welcome, happy and safe.
- As students, we are encouraged to ask questions, to express ideas and participate in constructive discussion. Gossip or criticism creates a negative energy and is best avoided.
- If we’re concerned by something someone has said or done, we should raise our concerns respectfully with our tutor or other appropriate person. They then have the responsibility to manage the issue in a timely, effective and proportionate manner.
Respecting relationships
- The School has always placed great value on the teacher-student relationship. Especially since our tutors are also students, it’s really important that this relationship is underpinned by integrity and mutual respect at all times.
- It is also important not to use our participation in the School for our own personal advantage.
Respecting the group
- We are encouraged to speak freely about the School and the work we do here. However, trust is essential in any group, so we should not do or say anything that would undermine that trust.
- Being ready to start meetings on time and giving each other our full attention and space in conversations are other ways in which we respect our group.
Retreats / Residentials
- Attendance on Retreats is part of the School’s offering to extend the study of practical philosophy.
- There are study sessions, periods of reflection and times for putting the practical aspects of study into practice.
- Retreats require full participation by students and as these residentials are largely self-sufficient; groups of students work together to prepare and serve meals, wash up and care for the building and for other students throughout the period of attendance.
Medical Conditions
- It is important that students disclose to the School before beginning retreats any background information, disability, special need, condition, or treatment, that might in any way be affected by, or affect the student’s experience of, or engagement with courses.
- ‘Condition’ includes both physical and psychological conditions. ‘Treatment’ includes requirement for medical attention.
- The School will attempt to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate an identified need, of which the School has been made aware.
Data Protection
- Personal information provided to the School will be held securely in accordance with our Data Protection Policy.
Booking and Cancellations
- Having made a booking, you will receive notification of receipt of booking. You may be contacted in regard to information disclosed on the Booking Form.
- Participants may cancel their retreat booking any time prior to the start date of the retreat, subject to the following refund policy.
For cancellations made
- More than two weeks before the retreat: Full refund, minus an administrative fee of £20.
- Within two weeks of the retreat: no refund, however payment can be transferred to another event. (Bookings may only be carried forward once).
- Each student attending a course is responsible for their own well-being; making decisions about attendance and participation is the individual’s free choice.
- By attending a retreat, you acknowledge that you have read, and fully understand and agree to fulfil your commitments to the School and to your fellow students.
Residential Retreat Booking form
Name |
Email address |
Contact telephone number |
Gender |
Philosophy course attending/ other courses |
Name of current Tutor |
Branch or School currently attending |
Have you attended a School residential/retreat before? |
Please let us know of any physical or psychological needs that may affect your participation |
Please give details of any allergies, dietary requirements or other needs we need to be aware of and plan for |
In Case of Emergency | |
Next of kin/trusted person – Name |
Next of kin/trusted person – Phone number(s) |
Next of kin/trusted person – Email address |
I have read and agree to the Courses and Residential Retreat Terms and Conditions of Attendance. Signed: | |
Covid is still in the widespread in the community. For the benefit of all, everyone is encouraged to take a test before setting off from home. Do not attend if the result is positive. Even if the test is negative do not attend the retreat if you have symptoms of a communicable illness. |
Health and Safety Requirements
- Risk Assessment
- Prior to the start of any activity, event, or retreat, a risk assessment must be conducted to identify any potential hazards or risks.
- The risk assessment must be documented and reviewed regularly to ensure that any new risks are identified and controlled.
- All volunteers and staff involved in the activity, event, or retreat must be informed of the risk assessment and any measures put in place to control the identified risks.
- Training and Induction
- All volunteers and staff must receive appropriate health and safety training and induction before they start their work.
- The training and induction must cover their responsibilities, the risk assessment, and the control measures put in place to minimize the identified risks.
- The training and induction must be documented and reviewed regularly.
- First Aid
- Appropriate first aid facilities and trained first aiders must be available during the activity, event, or retreat.
- The location of the first aid facilities and the names and contact details of the first aiders must be communicated to all volunteers, staff, and participants.
- Any accidents or incidents must be reported to the first aider, who will provide appropriate first aid and complete an incident report form.
- Fire Safety
- Fire safety measures must be in place, including regular checks of fire extinguishers and fire alarms.
- Volunteers and staff must be informed of the fire safety procedures and evacuation routes.
- Fire drills must be conducted regularly to ensure that everyone involved in the activity, event, or retreat knows what to do in case of a fire.
- Incident Reporting and Investigation
- All accidents, incidents, and near misses must be reported immediately to the senior management team.
- The senior management team will investigate the incident and take appropriate action to prevent recurrence.
- The incident report form must be completed and filed.
- Welfare
- Appropriate welfare facilities must be provided, including toilets, hand washing facilities, and rest areas.
- Any special needs or requirements of the volunteers, staff, or participants must be identified and accommodated.
- Communications
- All volunteers, staff, and participants must be informed of the health and safety policy and procedures.
- The policy and procedures must be available in a format that is easily accessible to everyone involved in the activity, event, or retreat.
- Review and Monitoring
- The health and safety policy and procedures must be reviewed regularly to ensure that they remain effective.
- Any improvements or changes must be implemented as necessary.
- The review must be documented.
Guidelines for Tutors working with Children online
Security procedures must be implemented to ensure the learning environment is safe and secure. These include:
- tutors must ensure that the operating system and Zoom App in use during sessions are kept updated, to ensure that sessions are protected against potential security threats;
- tutors will all have unique log-ins to the system as ‘hosts’ using a licence provided by the School;
- session ID in the form of both Zoom number and hyperlink will be generated centrally by an administrator and sent to both tutors and students;
- tutors should ensure their name is correctly entered in the Zoom profile before starting the session;
- recording feature is disabled;
- student screen sharing is disabled (the tutor can temporarily make a student co-host for the purpose of screen sharing) and then disable after the feature has been discussed;
- file sharing via the Chat facility is disabled;
- private chat facility is disabled;
- where a Zoom Waiting Room is used, the tutor controls who can enter from the waiting room;
- tutor can remove anyone from the session at any time;
- tutor can lock the session at any time (preventing any further participants from entering);
- students are not allowed to rename themselves after entering the session.
Computers and equipment
Tutors should use a fses email address for all correspondence and:
- set up a dedicated user account with a clear desktop and only related programmes in order to prevent accidental sharing of unrelated or inappropriate material;
- the ‘share screen’ function should take special care to choose specific resources and not their entire desktop. Students are not permitted to use the ‘share screen’ function unless specifically enabled by the tutor for a particular period;
- live session must not be recorded on a personal device, nor should any photographs be taken under any circumstance;
- all other web browsers and programmes not related to the session should be closed before starting the session.
Location of sessions
- tutors may use a Zoom Virtual Background setting if preferred to hide the teaching space. Any furniture, pictures and ornaments visible in the tutor’s teaching space should be non-distracting and appropriate;
- sessions should take place in a suitable quiet space, avoiding intrusions from others, or movement taking place behind the tutor visible on camera;
- tutors are advised to situate themselves so that their webcam is not pointing towards a window, this will help to make their video stream clearer;
- tutors may wish to invite a School colleague to visit their Zoom room space to help risk assess their teaching area.
Break out rooms
An additional tutor supervising a break-out room must have a plan in place should they lose connection. This will normally be to phone the session tutor host.
Tutors, parents/carers and students will all have the School contact they can report any issues to. Contact channels will be disseminated for both safeguarding and technical issues.
Tutor: Assistant tutor present: Study Module:
Please provide detailed and accurate information of incident. (Guidance – where a female student is involved at least one other female should be present. Leading questions should be avoided. Student should be permitted to speak without interruption.)
1. What was occurring just prior to the incident?
2.Describe the incident in detail: |
3. What took place after the incident?
4. Information on support given during and immediately after incident:
5. Further information
Signed: ___________________________________________Date _________
Signed: __________________________________________ Date __________
Wonderful classes

The present moment

Very practical
