10 week evening course
Practical Philosophy
The Wisdom Within
Philosophy aims to set you free. Free from pressures and worries, free to grow, free to be more yourself . Take your first steps to freedom with our 10 week course.
Local Course
Local face-to-face evening courses available at a choice of locations.
Peace of Mind
Following all COVID-19 guidelines for your complete peace of mind.
Practical Wisdom
Courses in practical wisdom for everyday living. Meet with like minded individuals.
Offer only £10
Introductory offer – 10 week course only £10. Limited spaces.
This popular non-academic course draws on sources of wisdom from East and West, past and present.

Explore Life To The Full…
The aim of this course is to offer a practical means to discover fully who we are, understand how to relate to the world we live in and what gets in the way of being happy, peaceful and free.
It invites students to see life as a place to test the words of the wise through practical and mindful exercises.
10 weekly sessions
The ten weekly sessions explore central human questions through discussion, practical observation, conversation and reflection in good company.
Self-enquiry through practical philosophy
Themes included in the course:
- Relevance of philosophy to today’s world
- The importance of observation and stillness
- The spirit of enquiry
- Living in the present moment
- Different levels of awareness
- Acting with wisdom and justice
- What changes our states of mind and emotions
- Questions: Who am I? Why am I here? What is life about?
- What in essence, is human nature?
- The nature of beauty and reason
- States of attention and personal freedom
- and so much more...
How it works
A tutor presents material, and leads a discussion based on what arises. Being practical rather than academic, the emphasis is on personal knowledge. Students are encouraged neither to accept nor reject the ideas put forward, but to test them in practice for themselves, in the light of their own experience.Frequently asked questions
The course is practical in the sense that it is designed to be of direct use in our everyday lives. The intention is to stimulate enquiry and through this expand the way we look at the world and ourselves.
Online or by calling 020 7034 4000 during office hours.
If you register online, you will receive a confirmation email with your day of attendance. If you register by any means other than online, you will receive a receipt confirming your registration.
For online courses, you will receive an email with your Zoom log-in details a few days before the start of your course.
Yes, we have many local venues where you can attend the course face-to-face.
No, all you need is an open and enquiring mind. The course is intended for everyone, regardless of education, occupation, race, political or religious belief.
Yes, we offer the course as an online course via Zoom.
First you need to enrol on a course. In the Autumn 2020 term, all of our courses will be held online via the Zoom application, which we use to deliver all our online courses. Zoom is easy-to-use and can be accessed through a PC, laptop, smartphone or tablet.
Please follow this link to download Zoom onto your device. It would be beneficial to take some time to familiarise yourself with the app. This link provides guidance on the app and how to join a classroom.

What some of our students say...